This month, the country, and London in particular, are all buzzing about the Royal Wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton on Friday 29th April. The day has been created as an extra Bank Holiday to celebrate and many will be journeying into town to help the couple celebrate.
As you can imagine, London will be packed and even more busy than usual on this day. Many people are hoping to catch a glimpse of the Royal couple. This will be difficult enough for able bodied people, as there will be large crowds along the whole route, but for people with disabilities, it seems an even more daunting experience.
DirectGov have issued details of locations along the route that have been reserved for people using a wheelchair and a carer (1 carer per disabled viewer will be allowed entry into these areas). There are several areas along the route, including Horse Guards Road, Trafalgar Square and Hyde Park.
For details on all the designated locations and the times that you can access them (they are generally accepting people on a first come basis from 07.30 onwards) then here is the link to the Direct Gov website and the article: The Royal Wedding
Access London would like to wish the couple a happy and special day.
If you are travelling up there for the day, have a fantastic time and enjoy the celebrations.
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